Wirtek's blog

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Wirtek publishes annual report for 2009

Wirtek has published its annual report for 2009. Please refer toFirst North announcement No. 46(in Danish).

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Wirtek makes first delivery on HANDS project

Wirtek proudly announces the planned delivery – right on schedule – of the HANDS server software and mobile toolset. The combined solution is an...

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Wirtek renews long-term contract for product testing with RTX Telecom

Wirtek and RTX Telecom have renewed a contract that for the present will be in force until December 2010. A test team at Wirtek’s outsourcing center...

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Wirtek publishes annual report for 2008

Wirtek has published its annual report for 2010. Please refer toFirst North announcement No. 37(in Danish).

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Wirtek publishes semi-annual report with a positive outlook

Wirtek, a First North company, maintains the expectations for the annual result for the fiscal year 2008 in company’s semi-annual report.

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Minutes of Meeting from Annual General Meeting 2008 (in Danish)

Den 26. marts 2008 afholdtes på adressen Nibevej 54, 9200 Aalborg SV ordinær generalforsamling i Wirtek a/s, CVR-NR. 26042232.

Til stede var:


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Wirtek Invites Shareholders to the AGM on March 26, 2008 (in Danish)

I henhold til vedtægterne indkalder Wirtek til ordinær generalforsamling.Den ordinære generalforsamling afholdes onsdag den 26. marts 2008 kl. 16.00...

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På grund af ønske om ændring af Wirtek a/s’ regnskabsår indkalder vi nu til ekstraordinær generalforsamling.

Se indkaldelsen for nærmere oplysninger...

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Wirtek enters into long term contract with RTX

Wirtek and RTX have entered into a contract that for the present will be in force until June 2009. A dedicated team at Wirtek’s branch office in...

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Wirtek increases the share capital in connection with acquisition

Wirtek has increased its share capital in connection with the completion of the purchase of the Moltsen Intelligent Software TheCure™ assets. The...

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During the first half of the financial year, Wirtek realized a turnover of DKK 12.9m, being equal to a growth of 19%. The profit before tax for the...

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Wirtek presents Annual Report 2006/07

The result of the annual report shows a deficit of DKK 14.1m based on an annual turnover of DKK 30.7m, which is DKK 0.1m larger than shown by the...

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