Wirtek's blog

Take a peek into the inner workings of an outsourcing partnership, software and electronic equipment engineering best practices and the latest news about us.

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A Fresh Perspective on IT Consultancy. The 7 things we do differently when Starting a Collaboration

Every IT consultancy company out there is talking about putting clients first, and in that aspect, we’re not that different. The thing is, we really...

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How to select a reliable software outsourcing company

As the global landscape of technology continues to evolve at a lightning-fast pace, it's crucial to align your business with partners who not only...

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Unlock Growth Opportunities with Wirtek's Domain-Driven Expertise

At Wirtek, we're a team of forward thinkers committed to providing transformative tech solutions for our clients. We're all about bringing added...

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Wirtek Unveils New Bucharest Office to Support Growth and Collaboration

We are excited to announce the official relocation of our Bucharest office, a move that reinforces our commitment to supporting long-term growth and...

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Driving Innovation Forward: Wirtek Expands Partnership in the Electric Vehicles Industry

We are happy to announce the expansion of our partnership with a major US client in the electric vehicles industry. This is a significant milestone...

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Fostering Growth and Collaboration: Welcoming Martin Dommerby Kristiansen to Our Board of Directors

We are delighted to introduce Martin Dommerby Kristiansen as the latest independent member to join our Board of Directors at Wirtek A/S. Martin's...

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Annual Report 2022: Revenue growth of 45% and EBITDA growth of 20%

Wirtek published the annual report for 2022. 
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Sprint Retrospective meetings - why they matter and how to run great retrospectives

How many times did you read or hear about companies bragging that they want to “do it right the first time”? Too many times, perhaps?

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Agile software development: what you need to know and how it facilitates adaptability within your company

The Agile methodology has been gaining popularity ever since the birth of the Agile Manifesto almost two decades ago. 

While many software companies...

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The state of the technology sector in Denmark in 2023

Denmark is famous for quite a few things. The world’s top livable city (Copenhagen), the country with the best digital quality of life in the world...

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Teamwork makes the dream work: how important is it to build a team-centric culture?

"Teamwork makes the dream work", "Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much" - there are many teamwork related quotes that we hear all...

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Trends in the Telecommunication Manufacturing Industry in 2022

Technological advances have threatened the dominance of the telecom sector for the first time in its history. Telecom cybersecurity, 5G, blockchain,...

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