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Demystifying Agile in Software Development

eBook: When is Agile right for your organization, and how to adopt it successfully?

Is this eBook right for you?

This guide is not entry-level material on Agile software development principles and frameworks. It’s a collection of insights from nine experts and Agile practitioners, who share real-life examples and conclusions drawn in years of experience implementing Agile or coaching other teams in adopting the Agile mindset.

Here is what we discuss in the eBook.

  • The key ingredients of an Agile way of working

    Discover how our contributors view the key ingredients of an Agile way of working.
  • How to win buy-in when adopting Agile

    Learn how to win buy-in within your organization and how to determine if your Agile implementation is a success.
  • Challenges with adopting Agile

    Discover what challenges companies face when adopting Agile and how to overcome them.

Quotes from the eBook

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