Blog - Wirtek

Giving opportunities to students through Wirtek internships

Written by Adina Benea | 21 Oct 2019

We are a people-oriented company and we do our best to communicate this yearly, through our internship programs.

We believe that gaining work experience is key to the student’s future career opportunities. That is the main reason why we do our best to have the interns working side by side with our mentors on developing projects that actually have an impact on growing their know-how further. 

About the internship program

The number of internship participants has been growing constantly over the past years, concluding with a 60% growth in 2019, compared to the previous year. This increasing popularity for the program is partly due to the emphasis we put on making sure that the interns feel that their ideas are valued, that they build skills that enable them to face challenges in their future projects and that they are part of the Wirtek community.

The selection process itself is one of the most important steps. We make sure to choose the most talented students, the ones that present a fresh approach and a creative solution-oriented mindset during the initial interviews.

Before launching the program, there is one main question that we always ask ourselves: does our internship program provide the right benefits for students? We usually find our answer once the Wirtek Internship has come to an end.

If the students can continue growing their skills and approach more responsibilities on their own, after the internship is over, it means that we had a positive impact.

We caught up with some former interns to find out about their internship experience at Wirtek. Based on their impressions about our efforts,  we can say that our goal has been met.

What our interns say about the Wirtek experience

„Everybody in Wirtek is friendly. I really enjoyed those weeks and I am super honest when saying that I learned a lot during this time. I made the right choice with Wirtek’s internship, as it had a very serious approach on work, but also a very good switch from work to more relaxed activities – the daily lunch, Friday breakfast, BBQ, etc.” – Radu Lambrino

„Thank you for all the information you provided us with, for all the fun and for the great atmosphere! I learned a lot from the internship and I am really grateful for this opportunity. I am more excited about programming after this!” – Olah Cătălina

„The mentors were excellent. They were available whenever necessary and I really appreciate their efforts to help us all the time. Great work! Everybody else in Wirtek was friendly and it was easy for me to get along. As I said many times, I really enjoyed the relaxing and friendly atmosphere.” – Vlad Buda